Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Only The Beginning

The first day of the trip was relatively long. I got to the airport early (making my mother happy), but making it so I had more time to kill. When I got in line to check my bags, I ran into another girl that was going on the trip, Hayley. It turns out that we were actually in a history discussion together this semester. When we got to the gate Lauren and Ana were already there, so we just hung out with them for a little while and tried to get to know each other. The flight was decent. I sat next to a very attractive marine who was on some kind of "top secret" mission. He was from Wisconsin and dipped. It was probably the second time in my life I have seen that. It was pretty disgusting when he spit the leftover tobacco stuff into this bottle. He was telling me how he grew up on a 850 acre farm and how his family had more cows then his entire high school had people. He was a true country boy.
During the actual flight we encountered alot of turbulance, which made me feel a little nauseous, but my cold is what was really doing me in. We stopped in Germany for just long enough to catch our next plane. When we got to Florence we were greeted by Randall and we exchanged our money. I met a few of the other kids that were on the trip. Everyone seemed to be pretty nice. We then left the airport and took a taxi to the San Gallo Palace. I of course managed to get grease on my pants , which is unfortunate since they are my favorite sweats.
At the hotel I roomed with Ilana and Rachel. Both of them seem like very nice people. That day we had a long break and I ended up spending that time talking to this girl Michael. After that the entire group went and got dinner at this restaurant. The food was good, I got this ravioli and shrimp thing. After that I ended up heading back to the room for the night because I was feeling crappy.

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