Monday, June 18, 2007


The heat of the sun hits my face
And all to quickly my comforter becomes my heating blanket.
As I open the windows, I feel the cool Firenze breeze
Indicating another beautiful day.

Dressed and fed, I start a modest walk to class
Once inside I sit at my flimsy plastic desk
Awaiting an intriguing discussion
In which I'm sure I will be forced to speak.

On the way back I stop at a small cafe
Most likely I leave with a ham and cheese sandwich
A food I previously disliked
Has now become my staple meat.

I head back to my beautiful apartment
Which at least in New York would cost around a million dollars.
I lie on my bed feeling air swirl around me
Knowing a nap is in the near future

I wake with 5 new mosquito bites
And tell myself that I am just that sweet.
I begin to wander through the streets of Florence
Loving that no matter where I go, I will always find my way home.

For hours I walk,
Just taking it all in
And then after a few hours
Start to search for a new place to eat.

Dinner has yet to disappoint me
A pasta, calzone, or pasta again
I'm always anticpating my next meal
And the activities that will occur later in the night.

Come home,
Get dressed,
Go out,
That's the routine

We dance til dawn
Laugh at everything
Fight like family
And then sleep til the next day.

There's nothing like Firenze

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