Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Back to School

Today we woke up early to have our first semi day of class. It was rough because I was woken up in the middle of sleeping to some drama. It seems to be a continous cycle in this household. Since I have never lived in any kind of communal space before I wonder if this is how things always are. However, after only a few days of living like this I have come to really appreciate my apartment back home. There is definately something to be said for being able to go to sleep whenever you want to. Anyways, today the group went to this old synagouge for a few hours which was really beautiful. It would definately be a really cool place to get married. It has that gaudy church design, but it is a temple. It was kind of interesting that the temple was bombed during World War II , but the Nazis were unable to destroy it. When we went upstairs there was this little museum. Something I thought was really strange was that they had this preserved dress for boys to wear at their circumsion. The dress was so similar to what babies where during the baptism. I felt like it really showed a Christian influence on the Jewish community in Florence during the represented time period. After touring the museum we sat in this little room and watch a short movie on the Holocaust. Usually I find information on the Holocaust to be really interesting, however this was all in Italian, and was not as impactful since I could not understand it. After we left the synagouge a bunch of us went out for lunch. Everyone else is getting tired of all the past, but I love it. Never will I complain of too much pasta, however it would be nice to have some chicken. At home my mom loves to cook chicken, I like to cook chicken, and here it seems like they just are not that fond of it.
I then walked around forever with a bunch of people. At one point we went into this cafe and while we were sitting there I started to notice the relationship between dogs and their owners. It is very different in Italy in terms of how dogs act. While sitting in this cafe a dog walked in trailing behind his owner. The dog stayed next to his owner in the cafe and then when the owner left followed them back out. The dog was not on a leash, and was so well training. I am not sure what Europeans do differently in that sense, but it was truly amazing. I know that whenever I take my dog anywhere I am trailing behind him not vice versa, and he has to be on a leash. I think this difference is great and I definately think America should get some advice on how to train their dogs from the Europeans.
The day was long, with a lot of walking especially when Joe decided he really wanted to walk a few miles away to go grocery shopping. Later that night everyone went to a club called Yab. The club was a lot of fun except when it came time to pay the bill. The women at the counter completely ripped me off and refused to explain to me why my tab was 30 euro for 2 drinks. I was extremely upset , especially considering one of those drinks was supposed to be free with cover. Not a very nice way to end the evening, but now I know to always ask the price of drinks before I start drinking. Italian clubs are expensive!

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