Sunday, June 17, 2007

Italian Dogs

Throughout my stay in Florence one of the most interesting things I have noticed is Italian dogs and their relationships with their owners. I have seen so many dogs that walk around leashless, obediently following their owners around. One of my first days here, I was in a cafe and this dog followed it's owner into the store. During this time the dog stayed right next to it's owner and when it came time to leave, quietly followed it's owner out. I can honestly say I've seen very similar scenario many times since I've been here. What's so interesting is that I have never ever seen that at home. I'm not sure if it's the dogs or the people, but the relationship between the two seem to be so much stronger here then back in the US. The dogs appear to be almost robotic considering their complete lack of exploration, barking, etc. Whatever they do in Italy, we need to try to adopt within the US. How enjoyable would it be to walk your dog and not have your dog walk you. The dogs here literally trail their owners.
The other day in Pisa we passed a dog that was literally lying on it's back while it's owners filed it's nails. The dog was completely relaxed while it's owner filed away. I know that if I ever tried to file my dogs nails he would go crazy and the situation would not last for more then five seconds. All I know is that I'm deeply intrigued by this difference in the behavior of dogs between the US and Italy.

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