Wednesday, June 13, 2007

The Next Day

The next day I woke up early so I could go get my cell phone. After that I met up with Ana, Lauren, and some of the guys. We walked to the center of Florence and saw some pretty cool stuff. We eventually stopped at this little Italian restaurant. I got this spaghetti and sausage dish which was pretty good. The restaurant owner was really nice to us and spoke amazing English. It was incredible to watch him switch to all these different languages as people walked by. I definately believe that being in another country is inspiring when it comes to learning other languages.
I had a nice afternoon except for on our way back to the hotel it started downpouring and we were soaked to the bone. We went to meet Randall at the hotel so we could go check out our apartment. The apartment is BEAUTIFUL!!! I am in the quad with Ana, Lauren, and Michael. Luckily we each have our own closet and a drawer to keep our stuff in. We also have this beautiful terrance, a fully equipped kitchen (except for a microwave), and three bathrooms. Once we toured the apartment we had orientation for the rules of the house. In Italy there is an actual law that states you can not have people sleep at the apartment that are not living there. There is also a law that indicates quiet hours in Italy. At 11 pm if people are being to loud, neighboring tenants have the right to call the police. While I know these laws have been implemented for a reason, I know that the noise level will eventually become a problem considering there are 12 college students living in one apartment.
After orientation I took an extrememly long nap and then went out to dinner with the group. At the restaurant I decided to keep it traditional and get spaghetti with meat sauce. There was a little drama because some of the Italian guys liked Michael, and some of the other guys got upset. It was a nice dinner though. It was really sweet, Joe got all the girls at the table a rose and then when he had an extra he gave it to our waitress. I thought it was just a really nice gesture and I could tell our waitress really appreciated it. After that we all got ready to go out for a crazy night in Florence. It was ridiculous. We walked around forever trying to find this club, we must have asked 30 people for directions. The club played two kinds of music, techno and rap. We stayed there for a while and then at around 5 am came back to the house. Everyone stayed up for a long time talking and having a good time until the sun literally came up. I woke up 3 hours later, in serious pain. All the people that woke up early then went out to breakfast and were back asleep by 1. In the afternoon we went on this long walking tour of the city. The architecture of some of the building was really beautiful. We walked this huge hill that was deadly, so that we could get a good view of the city. When we got to the top I got my first gelato and then took a bus back to the apartment. Now, we are about to go out to dinner. The trip has been pretty fun so far, but only time will tell.

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