Wednesday, June 13, 2007

A Day In Siena

So today was another ridiculous yet horrible day. Last night we all went to the club and had a nice time, except for once again someone pushed me. I am not sure what is going on at these clubs, but a lot of the American girls that come here seem very angry and ready to fight. Of course , there was a lot of drama when we got home too so it was just a long night. Then we were so loud that some upstairs complained and then Randall got an angry phone call from the landlord. Everyone was tired and irritable when we left for Siena. I slept for a little while on the bus and then we went to this synagouge. It was actually really pretty, quaint would be the perfect way to describe this synagouge in this town. It was really sad listening to this women that showed us around the temple though. She was so excited to have us there and said that there are only about 30 to 35 Jews left in the town. Supposedly, only about 10 of them attend services, so the synagouge is typically very empty. She was talking about how her son has his Bar Mitzvah coming up and how there is no one to come. It is so sad to think of there being no one that can come celebrate that. It was another interesting thing because while I am not deeply involved in the Jewish community, I know I could be if I made an attempt. In this town they do not really have any Jewish community to be apart of.
After leaving the synagouge, we went and got lunch. Lunch was good, but everyone was tired so we headed back to Florence really soon afterwards. By the time we got back to Florence, it was downpouring and the streets were literally flooding. All these people were standing on the streets with brooms trying to sweep the water, out of their businesses. At one point the bus was stopped in from of a school and people were coming out of the building with buckets. It was crazy to watch. When we finally got back to the apartment everyone was ready to go to sleep. Unfortunately we were greeted to seeing this electrician inside the apartment with plaster all over our beds, the floor, etc. Needless to say no one was happy, and the drama just continued on and on and on. All I can hope for is that tomorrow will be better and that the drama will soon stop.

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