Sunday, June 17, 2007

Cinque Terra

Today we went to the beach, Cinque Terra. It started off as a nice morning. We took the shuttle from hotel to the train station and then the train to Cinque Terra. The ride was beautiful as we saw in and out views of the mountains. Cinque Terra consists of 5 towns that you can walk between. We got off the train at the first town. When we got there we "propelled" don this mountain to go lie on some rocks down by the ocean. Their were a lot of steps to get down the mountain and then a rope that you used to help you climb down that brought you all the way to the bottom. The rocks were definately not the most comfortable place to lie down, but when I looked out into the ocean, it was just beautiful. It reminded me of one of those scenes in a movie where someone looks out to a beautiful scene and becomes silent with an inner peace. As I sat there feeling the heat beat down on me and then a strong gust of wind, it felt for that moment like everything in life was just perfect. It's an amazing feeling to have, even when it only lasts for a moment. We lied there for a while until the sun disappeared behind a cloud, forcing us to relocate so we could continue to sunbath. We decided to walk to the next town which was supposed to be close. That's when my perfect moment of "inner peace" quickly dissapated. We started walking and just never saw the end. For hours we hiked through the mountains in our flip flops, without a water bottle for 90% of the time. It was extremely strenuous. After we finished the trail, I caught the train home by myself. I was very proud of myself being able to find my way back by myself. I hopped a train, got a cab, changed by tickets, switched trains, etc. For me I felt it enforced my independence and just made me feel like I could do anything. Some of the people I met along the way were really nice too. There was this old man who kept talking to me in Italian trying to help me find my way. He was so funny, because he just kept talking in Italian and I didn't uderstand any of it. It was crazy though because towards the end of the conversation I soehow was able to start figuring out what he was saying. Dr. Cooperman was explaining to me that that's how you learn language as a baby and that you learn language better like that because your using a different part of your brain.
Anyways, when I got back I went out with some of the girls to Space Electronica. At first I wasn't really enjoying myself because the DJ was playing techno music and I really don't enjoy techno. However, they eventually had something comparable to a foam party. They took this machine and it started spitting out massivev amounts of foam. Everyone was completely covered. I've never seen anything like it, it was definately one of the most fun things I've experienced thus far. We danced the rest of the night away and ended up getting in really late. Cinque Terra wasn't as great as I hoped for various reasons, but luckily in the end, everything turned out how it should of.

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